In science, and in life, there is an artful balance between being cautious and adventurous; to find the balance takes experimentation, tolerance for mistakes, and humility.
December 13, 2017
Three scientists won the prize after a 25-year-long search of the cosmos for gravitational waves — the waving of space — the one test missing for Einstein.
October 11, 2017
A curious personalization of science is underway — it's as if scientific issues are simply matters of opinion and not the product of a very thorough process.
September 15, 2015
Einstein's greatest lesson may be that reality is not what it seems; what we perceive as real is a distortion due to how our brains take in the world around, and within, us.
April 29, 2015
To put God in our current knowledge gaps would not further our understanding of the universe. For that, we need science and its stubbornly secular approach.
April 22, 2015