It may be that to explain where the universe came from is an impossibility for our causally-based, logically-oriented, experientially-functioning minds, but we must keep trying.
June 7, 2017
The expansion of the universe was sealed as fact in 1965, but the seeds for this revolutionary take on the cosmos and our place in it were planted in 1917 by a daring Einstein.
January 25, 2017
There are lessons to be learned in the false detection of alien signals: Sure, we should keep on listening, but we also should understand our role as guardians of Earth.
September 14, 2016
Even if chiral molecules are part of the ingredients of new planets, the choice of chirality could vary randomly from star-forming region to star-forming region.
July 5, 2016
As Albert Einstein's Theory of General Relativity turns 100, the scientist would surely be pleased with the revolution he started, a source of wonder and inspiration for all.
December 8, 2015
What makes up your body are the remains of stars long gone. That this star stuff got organized to the point of becoming animated, thinking matter is nothing short of wonderful.
September 22, 2015