Carlo Rovelli's new book is a gem: It's full of wonderful analogies and imagery — and is a celebration of the human spirit, in "permanent doubt, the deep source of science."
February 8, 2017
Little, fabulous, flying entities capable of magical deeds that defy what we think reasonable in this world may exist, but we couldn't confirm this directly.
March 18, 2015
We don't have all the answers; many big questions hang over the world of theoretical physics. Is this business as usual? Or symptom of a major crisis in our understanding of nature?
July 23, 2014
Stephen Hawking wants to do away with black holes (as we know them) so he can save the two pillars of modern physics: general relativity and quantum mechanics. At stake is our understanding of the nature of space and time, and how matter affects, and is affected by, both.
February 22, 2014
What was there before the universe began? It's not a question we can really answer with the science we have at hand.
December 29, 2013