Musk's successful rocket launch is a step on the ambitious road to Mars; as with our adventurous ancestors, where we might go seems to be limited only by our imagination.
February 13, 2018
As we close the books on 2016, it's worth watching this clip from the film Roving Mars in an effort to start the new year with hope and optimism for what we can accomplish as we work together.
January 9, 2016
Though accidents may happen, there is no stopping human exploration of space: We are bound to outer shores as we were once bound to shores on this planet.
February 23, 2016
Marcelo wonders what the children watching the flyby will accomplish as they join the ranks of future space explorers. The probes have been there; perhaps now it is our turn.
July 28, 2015
The crash of Virgin Galactic's spacecraft has renewed criticism of commercial space exploration. But are disasters and loss of life the price we must pay for pushing humanity's limits?
November 19, 2014