Look into a mirror and you'll simultaneously see the familiar and the alien: an image of you, but with left and right reversed.
- Seed
September 7, 2010
Look into a mirror and you'll simultaneously see the familiar and the alien: an image of you, but with left and right reversed.
- Seed
September 7, 2010
As the high-energy physics community gears up for the flood of new data from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), now may be a good time to ponder the existence of a theory of everything or, more bombastically, a final theory.
- Physics Today
September 2010
Fifty-five years after Einstein's death, the hunt for an elusive unified field theory continues.
- New Scientist
May 10, 2010
The time has come to shift our focus. During the past few decades, a new way of thinking about the natural world has emerged that emphasizes change and transformation rather than stasis and perfection.
- PowellsBooks.Blog
April 28, 2010
Can our knowledge of Nature ever be complete?
- The New York Academy of Sciences Magazine
April 16, 2010